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Curtains and Lamps

Feel comfortable in your surrounds.


Engineering is my first career.  I think interior designing was destined to be my second.  I decorated my first apartment quickly.  It wasn’t hard.  A matchbox size bedroom, a tiny living room, and I am still wondering if it had a kitchen.  I started out with four pieces of furniture.  So you can imagine that I didn’t have too much to do at home or even too many places to sit.   


My first cubical was much better.  I had an enormous working area.  At least it felt enormous since I only had a stapler, tape dispenser and phone on it.  It occurred to me that I spent more time in my office at work then at home.  So I set out to decorate my cubical with the same things I wanted in a house.  I hung up curtains, put a lamp in the corner that was on when I was in the office, pictures, and trinkets I made.  I took some ribbing for the curtains, especially since there wasn’t a window anywhere close by.  People always knew where my cubical was since they could spot the decorations.  I can remember at least five different cubicles during a six year period.  Well, at least decorations were easier then sending out moving or change of address cards.  Make your cubical or office a place where people feel comfortable.  You never know when an important customer will be in there to use your phone.

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