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Father Zane



My family lived four hours away so they weren’t able to come down all the time when I was buying my first condo.  My co-workers stepped up to the task.  Without their help I would have made a bad decision.  (Now that it is long over I can safely make that conclusion.)  Knowing I had a second family at work made it easier to be away from my own family.  I called my own Dad “Pops” so that name was always reserved just for him.  So I came up with Father Zane.


When I told my Dad about Father Zane he asked me if he was a Priest.  That made me laughs!  It made me realize that I spend so much time with them at work.  I knew more about their families then my own.  They were my second family.  So I gave honorary family surnames to the ones I respected the most.  My favorite one was “long-lost-second-cousin-twice-remove”.  They were the ones who took the time to teach me things, laugh at my really bad jokes, and smile back.  They were the reflection of attributes I wanted to see my own life.  


New note: To this day I am so thankful I was blessed to be surrounded by so many incredible people.  

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