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Just One of the Boys

Adapt to be Part of a Team


I worked mostly with men.  I was young, petite, and very naive.  If we were dogs, it would probably look like I was a little white Poodle following the Great Danes and German Shepards.  The trade show of the year came and I wanted so much to go.  They took me.  And trust me, it wasn’t as easy as just wanting to go.  A big group of us spent 18 days setting up, running, fixing, and tearing down equipment.  We worked hard but we also made time to have fun and joke around.  I went with the flow.  It was so easy to do because they treated me like I was their little sister.  When we came back to the office, one of the guys told me that at first they weren’t too sure how well I would fit in with the group.  After the show I became one of the guys. 

It taught me to be open to doing new things, even if they seem foreign and scary at first.  I never had to change who I was to fit in.  It was just a matter of taking the time to show them who I was and to take the time to know them better.  So be flexible in trying things other people like.  If you are too set on doing your own thing you’ll miss out on becoming something better.

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