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Life Jacket / Personal Flotation Device

Confetti is equipped with adult life jackets and 2 extra automatic inflatable personal flotation devices (PFD). 

Families coming with children or pets are asked to bring their own life jackets or to inform us ahead of time so they can be purchased before the visit.  Everyone is encouraged to bring their own PFD.  


Life jackets are in either the bow locker or the red cooler in the dingy when we are anchored or moored and that is a primary means of transportation to land. 

When we are underway, the life jackets are located in the cockpit bench storage unit closest to the grill or on the port side ledge in the cockpit.

Personal flotation devices are stored in the wall cabinet of the bow, starboard bedroom when we are not underway, else they are either in the galley or cockpit.


Each person using a PFD assumes responsibility for their daily check.   


PFD inspection procedure

  • Daily

    • Look through window

    • Indicator should be green (good to go)

      • Full C02 cylinder

      • Water sensing piece has not been used

    • Adjust for fit

    • Name (ID)

  • Periodic

    • Open jacket up

    • Find C02 cylinder, remove it

    • Unscrew barrel

    • Pull out the bobbin

      • Replace

    • Orally inflate

      • Should take 4 breaths

      • Top off blow

    • Let it sit 8 to 24 hours

      • Still tight means it is not leaking

      • Not tight

        • Oral inflation tube was not properly seated

        • Temperature

        • Put water and look for leaks

    • Push out the air

    • Flatten the bladder

    • Can pull out last air by putting tongue on

    • Install fresh bobbin

      • Shelf life is 6 years

      • Look at and use the manufacturing date

    • Bobbin only fits in 1 way

    • Screw until there is no thread showing

    • C02 cylinder

      • Ring is solid

      • Not rusty

      • Not corroded from salt water

      • Not pierced

  • Indicator should be green

  • Fold in so aligned with Velcro

  • Jerk to inflate is accessible

  • Toss old yellow bobbin


  • Corrosion from devices did not damage material

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